Business Card Idea – Keep It Simple

Every so often I come across a business card idea that I love. The above card is one of those.

Sure, this playing card business card is tacky. But it’s memorable. And for some professions, it just might do the trick. With the right person behind the card, I think it would be fun to receive.

How could you make this neater? Print on the playing card with your inkjet printer. Or find a place where you could just buy a bunch of Aces, and …

Nobody Searches for “Blog”

This post is focused on lawyer marketing, but the same techniques and logic should apply to anyone.

Here’s an SEO tip: nobody searches for the word “blog.” That’s an exaggeration, but let me explain…

If I’m trying to optimize my law practice website (or blog) for searchers, I have to know what they search for. Based on keyword research, my own general knowledge, and other factors, I come up with my target keywords.

Let’s use Bob Smith as an example. Bob is a New York personal injury attorney. …

Biggest Jerk Award Goes to LexisNexis

Update – Sept. 4 – Lexis posted a comment below.

It’s funny how some big companies just don’t understand the internet. And it’s infuriating when they breach simple rules of netiquette. LexisNexis wins the Biggest Jerk Award today.

I linked to Lexis

I wrote an article (Lunch, Break, and Hour Laws) over a year ago that linked to one of Lexis’ products. Ironically, that article is the most popular one on my entire site.

I provided a link to Lexis’ lawyer directory, since I thought it added some value …

Branding Strategy Should Be Consistent

Is your branding strategy consistent? BMW of Charlottesville certainly doesn’t have a consistent branding strategy. Their courtesy vehicle is a Honda. Do you see a problem here?

Consistent branding

If I owned a car dealership, all vehicles on the premises would be of the type I sold. They’d all be spotlessly clean.

Don’t most dealers do this anyway? They give demo cars to their salesmen. They use the brand’s van or SVU for their courtesy car. I’m not sure how this BMW dealer missed …

Free Business Card Ideas on Flickr

I absolutely love business card ideas. I will soon be hiring a local design firm to create my logo and come up with some spiffy business cards. So it’s time to start hunting for examples of business cards that I like.

If you’re looking for some quick, free business card inspiration, I highly recommend Flickr. People love taking pictures of their spiffy cards and posting them for the world to see. Many of the Flickr business card images are of MOO cards, but that’s ok. It’s easy enough to filter through those and …

Business Referral Network – Should I Join BNI?

Business networking is the key to a strong client base. But where do business networking groups fit into that picture? I’d love your thoughts.

Business referral networking

Business referral networking takes “meeting people” to a higher level. The goal is really to provide possible client referrals to your contacts. In return, your contacts will refer business to you.

From my perspective, networking in business needs at least some focus on providing referrals. It doesn’t make a lot of sense to invest time and money into meeting people …

Extreme SEO – Keyword Business Address

If you’re like most entrepreneurs today, you want the absolute most SEO you can get. You either learn how to do it yourself, or you hire an SEO firm to handle it.

Here’s a new SEO idea for you: Have your office on a street that contains one of your keywords.

I thought of this idea while on a bike ride the other day. I was bicycling through Spotsylvania County near Lake Anna, and I went down Lawyers Road. As an attorney, “lawyer” is obviously one of my …

Get $100 of Free Facebook Advertising

Have you tried Facebook advertising yet? What if I told you that you could get a $100 coupon for Facebook Ads?

The process is quite simple, and it’s completely legit. You can use the $100 coupon to try out the Facebook Ad system and see if it can work for your business. I’m trying it for my law firm to promote my free seminar for entrepreneurs.

Here’s what you do to get $100 in free Facebook Ads:

1. Add the Visa Business Network Facebook application to your account. This application is focused on helping business …

New Business Card Ideas

A reader responded to my article about law student business cards, and she asked some very thoughtful questions. In fact, there are some good ideas here for everyone to consider.

Business card and address

First of all, should your business card contain your address?

Let me answer that question with a question: Does it need to?

When you’re designing a professional business card, you should always remember the purpose. You want people to be able to contact you. How are people most …

Fastcase Customer Service – The CEO Called

I wrote the other day about a customer service snafu I encountered with the legal research company called Fastcase. They definitely redeemed themselves!

The day after my post went up, the Fastcase CEO called me. He had read my post and wanted to see how he could resolve the situation. Cool!

The history

Apparently Fastcase did have a security issue a while ago, so they implemented an automatic data cutoff. They did this to prevent people from bringing down the system during the night and interrupting access to legitimate users.

Here’s the neat part: no legitimate users had …

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