Minimum Work Shifts – Reporting Pay Laws

I love it when readers ask questions. I’m not an expert, but I try to provide the best answers I can. This article covers a common question I receive.

When you show up for your regular shift, but get sent home early, is there a minimum number of hours your employer must pay?

In short, the answer is most likely no. But there might be a state law that provides some relief.

Reporting pay

The typical legal term for this type of payment is “reporting pay.” Sometimes it is also called “show up pay.”

Basically, some …

Warning: Google Docs Is NOT Safe

Do you use Google Docs? Increasing numbers of people are jumping on aboard, especially among web workers. But how safe is your data?

After some of my coworkers expressed security concerns, I set out on a mission. I’ve waded through pages and pages of info, to provide you with the bottom line on Google Docs security.

Google’s terms

The first thing to read is Google’s Terms of Service.

Intellectual property is safe

Surprisingly, Google’s terms provide strong protection for your intellectual property. You can’t abuse other people’s intellectual property rights:

8.2 … You may not modify, …

Sex, Health, and Money – 4 Tips from the Law

This post is part of the Tips & Tricks Writing Project at Daily Blog Tips.

Yes, that’s a racy title, but bear with me. This post is still family friendly.

People typically think of the law as a hindrance. It’s an annoying thing that only snooty lawyers benefit from. But what about the ways the law helps you? Here are some tips where the law can help you in several areas of life: sex, health, and money.

The law encourages sex, within marriage. Married people get a spiffy marital …

What 1L Contract Topic Worries You? – FREE Review Course

Update (Oct. 10) – This contest is now over. To win a free Torts course, check out the current contest: FREE Law Review Course – Tort Worries?.

Being a first year law student is definitely intimidating. One exam determines your entire grade for a class. And for classes like Contracts, that’s not a happy thought.

But Law Study Systems has you covered. They have online review courses for Contracts, Torts, and Criminal Law. These are the perfect supplement to your studies.

You can win a free license …

Free Law School Review Courses – Calling 1L Bloggers

Are you nervous about your first law school exams? Are Contracts, Criminal Law, and Torts getting you down? Have no fear. The great people at Law Study Systems are here to help!

Through an exclusive arrangement with Legal Andrew, Law Study Systems is giving away free licenses to its premium law school review courses. These courses ordinarily cost $30 each ($90 for all three), but you’ll be able to get a license to each one for free!

To win your free license to all three of Law Study Systems’ …

Gmail Cooks SPAM, Bacn, and Steak

Have you heard about the new email term? “Bacn” It’s pronounced just like your favorite pork product, but shortened, in typical Web 2.0 fashion.

What is it? As the official bacn website explains, bacn is email you want, but not right now. I first heard about the term from Chris Brogan’s post. He explains:

It’s any email you receive that isn’t spam, but isn’t exactly a personal message either. Your electronic phone bill is bacn. Your Google alerts are bacn.

But what does this have to do with Gmail? I’ll …

I’m on LinkedIn – Now What??? by Jason Alba

Are you lost with LinkedIn? Have no fear! Good friend and power networker Jason Alba wrote a killer book that you should read.

Jason was kind enough to send me a pre-press digital copy of his book, I’m on LinkedIn – Now What???. Now I get to share some nuggets of wisdom with you!

73 Reasons Lists Earn Traffic and Money

I’ll bet you came here looking for a list of 73 things, didn’t you? Maybe you thought I’d link to 73 sites or write a nice numbered list that went up to 73.

Pardon the misdirection, but you’ve stumbled upon my little social experiment. Please bear with me while I explain.

Like most of you, I subscribe to a number of RSS feeds. Every day I see more and more posts entitled “7 ways to make money” or “11 easy tips for losing weight.” You know what I’m talking about.

Sure, these posts have proven …

My Tasks Reside in Toodledo, Where Are Yours?

If you’ve been around this blog a while, you know that I’m a loyal GTD cult member. I also love online productivity tools. In fact, I change tools with the wind.

For a while I used MonkeyGTD. Then I switched to Vitalist. I was pretty happy with Vitalist, until they announced a new, restrictive pricing plan. Even though …

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    Lawyer, bicyclist, husband.
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