FREE Law Review Course – Tort Worries?

Update (Nov. 22) – This contest is now over. But you can still get a low-cost license over at Law Study Systems.
With fall breaks under way or over, law school final exams are just around the corner. AAAHHH!!!
Just kidding. There’s no reason to panic. There are lots of great tools to help you ace your exams.
Law Study Systems is definitely one to check out. They have online review courses for Contracts, Torts, and Criminal Law. And you can win a free pass to their Torts course!!
All you have to do is post a comment on this article that answers the following question. I will pick a random comment from the post, and notify that person that he/she has won. The winner will receive instructions to register for the FREE Torts Essentials course (a $30 value!).
In your Torts studies, what topic seems the hardest to understand or makes you the most nervous?
I’ll go first, to break the ice. 🙂 Since I just took the Virginia bar exam, I definitely spent some time studying torts. Negligence makes me nervous. It’s a slippery ball of snot!
Now it’s your turn. If you’d like to win a free Torts Essentials course from Law Study Systems, post a comment below!
If you have a blog, you can review Law Study Systems and automatically win a free license to ALL THREE essentials courses.
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6 Responses to “FREE Law Review Course – Tort Worries?”
October 12th, 2007