Use Google Desktop’s Scratch Pad for GTD Inbox

Do you struggle with implementing GTD (“getting things done“)? Do you have a digital “inbox” where you can throw all your notes and thoughts for later processing? Install Google Desktop and you’ll be set.

The Scratch Pad

One of the default “gadgets” that comes pre-installed with Google Desktop is a nifty Scratch Pad. Think of it like a handy post-it note always at the ready on your monitor. You can quickly type anything in …

Role of Technology in Law School – What?!

Do you think technology belongs in law school? That’s what an article over at is pondering.

Basically, the article focuses on whether, and to what extent, law schools should incorporate technology into the curriculum. Obvious areas up for grabs are practice oriented courses like research & writing and legal clinics.

The more intriguing questions come from experiments like Harvard’s CyberOne course. I won’t even pretend to understand the course concept fully. But from what I gather, …

Starting Your Own Law Firm

Thanks to Lifehack, I read an interesting article about creating your first startup.

The article actually comes from Particletree. Interestingly, it advocates jumping in, gritting your teeth, and being ready to flop on your face. Kind-of a wake up call for some aspiring entrepreneurs out there.

How might this concept apply to lawyers, especially young ones, who want to start their own law firm? What kind of lessons might you learn by jumping in now?

In my …

Video – Exam-Taking Tips for Law Students

If you’re worried about upcoming law school exams, just relax. I found this good little video that gives some solid (but basic) advice.

There’s nothing revolutionary here, but all advice is good, right?

[tags]legal andrew, law school, exams, youtube[/tags]

Use Intention Manifestation for Success on Exams

These days, the blogosphere buzzes with the concept of intention manifestation. I was just listening to a podcast from Steve Pavlina (actually his wife, Erin). It really hit me that this idea of manifesting what you want really applies to law school exams.

What is it?

Here’s what you do: Think of what you really want. Conform your actions to your mind, behaving like you really want it. Wait patiently.

Basically, the concept of intention manifestation states that you can get what you want in …

Prepare for 1L Exams – Law Study Systems

Update (9/17/07) – Win FREE licenses to Law Study Systems. Click here to learn how!

There is a new kid on the block to help you study for your law school exams: Law Study Systems. If you haven’t checked out LSS, you should go give it a quick look.

LSS provides an online study portal for law school classes. It has courses divided up into pieces. Each piece of a course has lessons, sample exams and answers, plus several extras to help reinforce the material.

The system is new this year, so they are …

Use Keyboard Shortcuts (Hotkeys) in Gmail, Google Reader and Calendar

If you use Gmail, Google Reader, or Google Calendar, do you know your keyboard shortcuts? These handy hotkeys can save your fingers, your wrists, and your time.

A while ago, Lifehacker pointed everyone to a handy printable list of Gmail shortcuts. Since then, I have begun using Gmail, Google Calendar, and Google Reader. In fact, I have finally abandoned Outlook for Google.

If you have searched for an all-in-one list of Google keyboard shortcuts, you have come to the right place. I have compiled hotkeys for Gmail, Google Calendar, …

Prepare for Exams – Utilize Your Resources

As exam time looms on the horizon for us students, it’s important to have your resources at the ready. Aren’t the best resources free?! I’m definitely trying to help you out, since I need to have my resources in order as well. Hopefully I will be writing more on this subject in the coming weeks. For now, here’s a quick compilation of some articles to check out. If you know of other great articles for students taking exams, please post a comment or drop me a line.

Do well on your exams with …

Sponsored Posts … Coming Soon

If you are reading this, thank you. In fact, thank you to all of the awesome people who have read my boring articles for these last few months. I hope you have enjoyed the articles, ideas, and tips I have posted here.

I am going to embark on a slightly different path over the next few weeks. In an effort to help defray the costs of running Legal Andrew, I am going to write a few sponsored posts. Yep, I will be writing some posts that companies actually pay me to post here. No, companies will …

The Easy Way to be Interesting, Make Networking Easier

There is a great article over at Lifehack, providing some easy tips to be more interesting. Give these a quick read and consider implementing some of them in your life. Some great benefits might be meeting new and interesting people, and also being able to converse easier with others. Your networking efforts will thank you.

[tags]legal andrew, networking[/tags]

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