Welcome Yahoo! Finance Readers

Thanks to Penelope Trunk’s article on Yahoo! Finance, you might be a new visitor to Legal Andrew. If so, thank you for stopping by!

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I’m a 25-year-old attorney, living in Fredericksburg, Virginia. I’m married, and I’m the Staff Attorney at American Life League.

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4 Responses to “Welcome Yahoo! Finance Readers”

  1. Jake
    November 29th, 2007

    Wow, congrats! That’s great to be mentioned on such a site as Yahoo!.

  2. Modern Living Room Furniture
    November 30th, 2007

    Congratulations on that mention. In was struck by something that Penelope Trunk says in her article; it is important to be able to bring something to the table that no one else can. That is so true, this is what sets successful people apart, i think.

  3. Eugene Lee
    November 30th, 2007

    Hey Andrew, congrats on the big mention! You have a wonderful blog, it deserves the recognition.

  4. Andrew Flusche
    December 1st, 2007

    Hi guys. Thanks for the kind words.

    What really makes this blog great is you readers. And I’m thrilled that you actually take the time to comment. 🙂

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