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Ideas for a Lawyer Unconference

Grant Griffiths over at Home Office Lawyer is working on an awesome idea: an unconference for lawyers (definition of “unconference”). He is soliciting ideas to help get the ball rolling, especially regarding speakers to have, how much people would be willing to pay, and if people would come even if it does not count as CLE. So head on over to Grant’s blog and give him your feedback; the whole legal community will appreciate it.

Here’s my two cents on this idea: it sounds awesome. I’m still a lowly law student, but I am interested in the prospect of someday have a home-based practice. It would be incredible to allow people such as myself to attend the unconference to learn about this different method of practicing law. Perhaps the unevent could help to foster learning about the career-style and bring the idea of home-practice to more lawyers and law students.

The big problem I see with law students coming, though, is the cost of getting there and paying to help cover unconference costs. Perhaps students could have a slightly cut rate to help make it more possible to attend.

What do you think about the unconference for lawyers idea? Normally I solicit comments here, but I really want to help Grant out, so please head over to his post and provide your feedback. If you want to contact me directly, feel free to comment here or drop me a line.

[tags]legal andrew, unconference, conference, lawyer, law student[/tags]

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4 Responses to “Ideas for a Lawyer Unconference”

  1. Grant Griffiths
    September 23rd, 2006

    Thanks for your post. Maybe we can do as you suggest for interested students.

  2. Andrew F
    September 23rd, 2006


    That sounds awesome. I wish I would be able to attend. Who knows, maybe I will be able to.

    Thanks for stopping by to comment,

  3. Matt Homann
    October 3rd, 2006

    Andrew, I’m working with Grant on this project. Make a wish list of topics you’d like to see covered and post it — especially from a future solo’s perspective.

  4. Andrew F
    October 3rd, 2006


    First of all, I love your blog! I am flattered to be asked for ideas for this awesome project you guys are doing. I have put together a post that contains my thoughts here:

    Lawyer Unconference: Ideas From an (Un)lawyer

    Hopefully my thoughts make sense. I would love to help with this project, if I can. I’m not sure what you guys need, but definitely count me in.

    Take care,

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