About Andrew – My Favorite Charity


Regular readers know that I have my dream job working for a terrific non-profit organization. Hopefully, in a couple weeks I’ll be a Virginia licensed attorney.

Thanks to a cool competition at ProBlogger, I might be able to win $1,000 for this great non-profit. At the same time, I can explain a bit to you about our mission and my job.

American Life League’s mission

In short, American Life League works to save babies from abortion. With God’s help, someday we will establish personhood for preborn babies and end this American Holocaust.

ALL is one of the few pro-life groups that is totally committed to the babies, without exception. There is never an excuse or a justification for abortion.

We are a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization, and we work primarily by educational means. We have a great youth outreach program. We also publish an informative magazine.

My duties

I work in our department that focuses exclusively on Planned Parenthood. There are so many reasons to close Planned Parenthood that I won’t go into them here. I’ll just say that it’s the nation’s largest abortion chain.

As the (future) staff attorney at ALL, my job is to head up our legal fight against Planned Parenthood. This entails a lot of research, reading, and analyzing different issues.

I’m also networking with pro-life attorneys around the country. This has been probably the most enjoyable part of my job.

I have other duties that are constantly evolving, but this is the core part of my job. As the only almost-attorney in the building, a lot of different issues and questions hit my inbox.

Support us

If you’re interested in American Life League’s work, we would love your support. You can find out more about us and ways you can help at the American Life League website. Facebook users can join our official Cause.

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4 Responses to “About Andrew – My Favorite Charity”

  1. Disc Jockey
    October 7th, 2007

    A good cause and you have my support. I also wish you success as an attorney. I shall visit the official site and take it further. All the best.

  2. Eric S. Mueller
    October 7th, 2007

    Andrew, that’s great to hear and I will certainly look at the page of your organization. I’ll see what I can do to support you and to get the word out.

  3. U.Va. Andrew '09
    October 8th, 2007

    I’ve been reading your site for well over a year now. (Great stuff, btw! I’m liking the Westlaw Greasemonkey scripts.) Anyway, I completely agree that “[t]here is never an excuse or a justification for abortion.” It’s too bad we didn’t have a chance to meet last year before you graduated.

    Anyway, go save the babies!

    U.Va. Law 2009

  4. Andrew Flusche
    October 8th, 2007

    Hi guys!

    Thanks to all of you for commenting on this post. I’m glad it spoke to you! I do hope you find a way to be involved in the cause, even if it’s not with American Life League. Let me know if you ever have any questions or need anything.


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