BigContacts Will Super-Size Your Contacts

My new job is going to be heavy with networking, meeting people, and connecting with others. So I need a killer system to track all of this activity. That’s what got me searching for a strong contact manager.

One of the only good things about Outlook is the contact manager. I love Gmail, but its contacts system seriously stinks. But I’ve found a system that beats them all!

BigContacts is the most robust, powerful, but simple contact manager I’ve ever used. It can track everything you ever wanted to know about a contact, email them, send a letter, and dance the jitterbug. OK, I haven’t found a jitterbug function, but it wouldn’t surprise me.

This post is just an initial post to spur your consideration of BigContacts. I plan to write a full tutorial on this awesome application, along with some pretty screen captures and maybe even a video. It works so well, and it even looks slick to boot!

The free version of BigContacts allows up to 500 contact entries. You can get up to 1,000 for $11.95 per month. And you can get even more space for a bit more per month. With web & mobile access, what’s not to love?!

[tags]BigContacts, contact manager[/tags]

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8 Responses to “BigContacts Will Super-Size Your Contacts”

  1. Mark - Productivity501
    August 10th, 2007

    What I would really like to see is a contacts management that integrates with your sent email history. I like the idea of being able to look at my contacts and see who I need to ping just to stay in touch with.

    Big Contacts does look interesting though.

  2. Andrew Flusche
    August 10th, 2007

    Hi Mark,

    That would be a killer feature! BigContacts has something similar with its contact history. You can send emails from within BigContacts, as well as outputting letter templates. BigContacts will then show the history for all these actions, as well as notes, calls, etc.

    Of course, it would be killer to link up with Gmail and track sent email automagically.

  3. Brett McKay
    August 11th, 2007

    I was so going to write about this! Big Contacts is awesome. Mark, it looks like BigContacts does have a ping reminder. You can set a task for each of your contact to ping them at certain times. If you want to get a reminder to e-mail someone once a month, you can do that with BigContacts

  4. Andrew Flusche
    August 12th, 2007

    Brett – I’m glad you like BigContacts! It really does help keep track of things, and I had no idea about the feature you mentioned. I’ll have to check that one out.

  5. Alex
    September 23rd, 2007

    Maybe you should have updated this post to tell your readers that by now, BigContacts have seriously crippled the free offer (only 100 contacts, 100 MB storage).
    What’s worse, you have to buy the paid version in per-user packages of 1000 contacts for $9.95/month each to get more users, if you need the additional users or not.
    Compare that, e.g, with the pricing plans of 37signals’ Highrise. I think BigContacts have a nice app, but with this new pricing scheme they blew it IMHO.

  6. Alex
    September 23rd, 2007

    Oops, that should read:
    “…packages of 1000 contacts for $9.95/month each to get more contacts, if you need the additional users or not.”

    And I’m not exactly trying to promote Highrise. They have their own problems (e.g., no complete local backup of your date).

  7. Andrew Flusche
    September 23rd, 2007

    Alex – Thanks for your comment. I didn’t realize the pricing changed. I appreciate the update.

  8. Alex
    September 27th, 2007

    Andrew, although I dislike the new pricing scheme of BigContacts and the way things stand now, it’s not suitable for me, I hope you still intend to write that tutorial.
    Maybe they revise their plans to give users something like 2 users, 20,000 contacts (that’s exactly the plan I’m looking for) for a reasonable price. (Highrise has something almost like that, but only one user, for 29$/m.).
    And I’d really like to (finally) see an offering (other than that will sync w/ Outlook.

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