Don’t Forget About Amazon Associates

In our busy world, it’s easy to forget about things that are on the back burner. That’s what happened to me with Amazon Associates.

I signed up with Amazon way back when I started blogging, but I never saw any money coming my way. I put some links and product units on my pages, but nothing really happened with them.

Then AdSense started to kick in nicely, followed by Text Link Ads. I naturally focused on the programs that were actually bearing fruit. Consequently, I neglected Amazon Associates.

But a couple weeks ago I actually got an earnings summary from Amazon. I earned $4.09 for April! Then I remembered back to the months where AdSense was only generating a few dollars. With continued tweaking and hard work, AdSense is now earning over $100 per month. It’s time to make Amazon do the same.

The first step I’ve taken is to edit some old posts and add in Amazon links where appropriate. This should help their ranking in Google, since the pages are now updated, and it will hopefully generate more Amazon orders.

Second, I added Amazon’s new context links to the site. If all goes well, Amazon should automatically link relevant words and phrases to its products. This shouldn’t interfere with usability of the site, but if it bothers you, please let me know. Hopefully it will provide more information to readers and create extra gateways into Amazon for placing orders.

The point here is just not to give up on programs just because others are earning more. Most programs do well for at least some people. Give them time, tweak them, and come back to them later if needed.

I’ll definitely keep you posted how Amazon Associates turns out down the road.

[tags]amazon associates, adsense, text link ads[/tags]

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4 Responses to “Don’t Forget About Amazon Associates”

  1. Myo Kyaw Htun
    July 14th, 2007

    I don’t see amazon can generate money for me. for text link ads, their demand is too high. Personally, I like G Adsene. Anyway you can generate money in online.

  2. Alex Choo
    July 16th, 2007

    Since you’re on WordPress, do consider WP Text Ads.

    I’m the developer of this free plugin that lets you sell text links direct to advertisers. This means you pay no commission and get paid instantly.

    Furthermore, you can sell ads by the home page, blog wide or per-post.

    Thanks 🙂

  3. Andrew Flusche
    July 16th, 2007

    I’m glad you’re finding revenue streams that work for you. My main point here was that Amazon might not work early on, but it does work. It’s pretty effective with organic search traffic, since those users are looking for info on a specific topic.

    Good luck!

  4. Andrew Flusche
    July 19th, 2007

    Hi Alex,

    Sorry for the late response – your comment got caught in Akismet.

    I’ve looked at your plugin before, but it’s not quite what I need right now. The free version is pretty limited, and the licensed version costs a bit much for my needs.

    Right now I’m toying with OpenAds, which is definitely complicated, but will hopefully provide the results I’m looking for.

    Thanks for your comment,

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