Sponsor Me to Attend SOBCon; I’ll Be Your Blog Slave

I you haven’t heard about SOBCon 07, you must be hiding under a rock. This is the ultimate blogging conversation. It’s a conference of 250 attendees plus “conversationalists.” The point is to network, solidify relationships, and put heads together to tackle big thoughts.

You can help me attend

The problem is that I don’t have the cash on hand to make it. But you can help me get there.

I’m looking for a sponsor (possibly more than one) who will fund my trip to Chicago for this awesome event. In return, you get me as your personal blog slave. I’ll help you build a blog, tweak your existing one, come up with ideas for improvement, program custom plugins, etc. The sky really is the limit here!

What you’ll get

To put a finer point on it, I’m really willing to negotiate about what the sponsor(s) receive for helping me attend. I’m serious about what I wrote above. I have a strong background in programming, and I’ve built a solid knowledge of blogging over this past year. These skills can be yours, if you want them.

I’ll definitely publicize your sponsorship heavily. You’ll have ads on the blog here (check out the market exposure), but that’s just the beginning. I’m willing to print SOBCon business cards to pass out, containing my info AND your sponsorship message. Heck, I’ll even shave your logo into my hair (if you want, of course). 🙂

There’s one caveat – we will have to work out some type of agreement ahead of time. The deal has to be fair for everyone. But I’m willing to negotiate to make sure you are happy. We could agree on doing X project(s) or me working X number of hours or some combination of the two.

What I need

Event registration – $350 – As you can see from the event website, registration is a reasonable $350. Not too shabby for an amazing event like this.

Plane ticket – $320 – I’m coming from central Virginia, and SOBCon is in Chicago. I’ve found a number of tickets for $312 or $315, and I might even be able to get a hair cheaper than that.

Hotel room – $269 – That’s for two nights at the conference hotel (May 11 and 12). I’m willing to see about splitting a room with another guy, to try cutting this cost in half.

$939 total – This includes the three things listed above. I’ll pay for my meals and other incidentals. This price might change once we get around to booking everything. But the point is that your cost will be set up front – no surprises.

Let’s make a plan

I know some of you must be interested in this idea. Surely you’d like the benefits that this sponsorship would give you. Some people charge $1000 just for a blog design and setup. But I’m willing to do much more.

If you want to get together and have a couple sponsors, I’m willing to do that too. Obviously each person would get a bit less in return, but it would cost you less as well.

Please contact me if you are interested in this. You can drop me a line or leave a comment here. Other methods are available via my contact page.

[tags]sobcon, consulting[/tags]

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