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Lawyers Seize the Power of Contextual Ads

I meandered over to Digg’s terms of use, and my eye was drawn to the advertising banner at the top of the page. Usually I tune out Adsense ads, but these caught my eye.

(for formatting of the page, the image appears below this post)

I’ve seen lawyer Adsense ads before, but it was funny to see them on Digg. Most of the ads a user encounters there are techie or video games or something that the Digg crowd would be interested in. But I guess only a lawyer would be interested in reading the terms of use!

I suppose contextual advertising has limits, though. The appropriate lawyers to advertise on this page would be contract attorneys not product liability and lemon lawyers. 🙂

Digg ToS

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3 Responses to “Lawyers Seize the Power of Contextual Ads”

  1. Chris Johnston
    March 10th, 2007

    Very interesting. I wonder if that was intentional or a by product of an algorithm that determines ad placement.

  2. Andrew Flusche
    March 10th, 2007

    I imagine it was just the ad algorithm at work. However, AdSense does allow targeted ads. If these attorneys targeted the ToS page, I’m curious why. Is there a particular product liability issue I’m overlooking?

  3. Gale Mcgowan
    November 12th, 2008


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