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Law Firm Video – The Next Big Thing

If you thought having a website put your firm on the cutting edge, think again. That’s right, the future of law firms isn’t in that static web page you threw together last year. It’s not even in the revamp you hired a design firm to build. It’s on video!

Announce your candidacy

We all know that politicians will go the extra mile to get attention. But there’s got to be a reason that presidential candidates have integrated video in their campaigns. With candidates announcing on video, daily video conversations, and who knows what to come, you can’t ignore this trend. Just check out this Google search.

Quite simply, online video is more than a time-waster. It’s a vital means of communication in our society. Especially for law firms wanting to connect with younger markets, it’s a key tool. why else would presidential candidates be spending so much time and money on it?

Recruit young lawyers

Where do young lawyers come from? The young consumer market. Thus it stands to reason that law firms should use similar communication channels to reach these budding lawyers.

In fact, one firm has already done so. Online video gives your firm a real, personal face. More than that, your firm gets a voice. Tie this into a feedback mechanism (such as a blog), and your firm is almost living and breathing online.

Increase online referrals

The point of having an online presence is to build up your firm. This happens through online referrals. Better content = more traffic = more referrals.

It’s fundamental that having more doors to your website will result in increased traffic. This is why you must always produce quality content, and keep things up-to-date.

Including video in your regular content production will further enhance your referrals. Google is even integrating YouTube in its video search results. You don’t want to be left out of this arena.

What else?

These are just a few reasons why law firms should get into video production. I’m sure you guys have more. What do you think? Be sure to post a comment or drop me a line.

I’m hoping to continue this theme with another post about what kind-of content law firms could put into video. Be sure to subscribe to Legal Andrew for the next post.

[tags]legal andrew, video, youtube, google[/tags]

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5 Responses to “Law Firm Video – The Next Big Thing”

  1. Peter Marx
    May 10th, 2007

    I’m 100% in agreement with your thesis, but I’m biased because we’re in the business of producing videos and other digital media for law firms.

    On the other hand, if you look over the websites of the AmLaw 100, there is very little in the way of video, podcasts or other digital media.

    Law firms are spending lots of money on recruiting, marketing and business development, but unlike most other industries this hasn’t translated into media on the Web. Any thoughts why?

  2. Andrew Flusche
    May 10th, 2007

    Hi Peter,

    I think the answer is that big law firms don’t adapt to new (and better) technologies. They are lumbering Goliaths, for the most part. Honestly, I think part of it is that they don’t think they need to adapt.

    It looks like you’ve got a cool company going. Best of luck to you. Let me know if I can help in any way with blog needs, or if you’d be interested in a sponsorship here at Legal Andrew.

    Take care,

  3. Peter Marx
    May 10th, 2007


    With regard to marketing and business development, the AmLaw 100 may think they don’t need to adapt, at least for now given how profitable most of them are.

    But recruiting is very competitive for all of them. They can’t be complacent about that.


  4. Andrew Flusche
    May 11th, 2007


    You’re right about recruiting. Law firms definitely spend lots of resources in that area already. You’d think they would use new technology to try to appeal to the young people they’re trying to win over.

    I’ve seen a couple firms do that a bit. One firm gave away USB thumb drives at on campus interviews. But that alone is pretty weak.


  5. rewb
    August 14th, 2007

    Thank you!v

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