“This Semester” Class Action – First Submission!

Class Action - This Semester

If you missed yesterday’s post about the first ever “Class Action” at Legal Andrew, be sure to check it out. This is a group writing project where all of you awesome readers write a post about “This Semester….” Then I link to your posts here, organizing everyone’s writings into one “class action.”

The first submission was sent in today by Saramel at Reasonable Expectations. She’s a new mom who is starting law school this fall. That alone deserves an applause!

Be sure to read Saramel’s contribution to the class action and check out the rest of her writings. Juggling law school and motherhood would definitely be a big challenge, but I’m sure Saramel will do great.

Be sure to send in your contribution for this group writing project. They’re due by Sunday, February 4. Just email me (aflusche@gmail.com) so I can be sure to link to it and do a little write-up.

[tags]legal andrew, class action, this semester, saramel[/tags]

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2 Responses to ““This Semester” Class Action – First Submission!”

  1. The Frugal Law Student
    January 29th, 2007

    Count me in! It looks like fun. I’ll have my post to you buy this Saturday.

  2. Andrew Flusche
    January 29th, 2007

    I’ll definitely be looking for your submission. I can’t wait to see what you’ll write.

    Take care,

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