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Custom Computer Setup for Remote Trials

Don’t you love the way big law firms spend money on useless things? Ok, maybe they’re not useless. But there are ways they could have the same functionality with a lot less cost.

For instance, Beirne Maynard & Parson has a write-up on Law.com about their “trial-in-a-box” setup. Basically, they have some computers and wireless phones in a nifty custom-made case. When they need to travel for a trial, they haul the cases along and setup a mobile office.

I’m tempted to say only one word: laptops! Yes, in the days of the Tandy 1000 and landline phones, something like Beirne’s system might have been great. But with laptops and cell phones, do law firms really need custom-made cases full of electronic goodies? How about a cell phone, a laptop, a mobile printer/fax, and a mobile projector? What more do you need?

Ok, it’s time for me to prepare for final exams. I better build a custom-made case to house my computer, paper, pens, outlines, books, and coffee. On second thought, maybe I’ll just put everything in my backpack.

[tags]legal andrew, eirne maynard & parson, law.com, law firm[/tags]

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3 Responses to “Custom Computer Setup for Remote Trials”

  1. custom computers
    December 4th, 2006

    We’ve noticed that lawyers aren’t really tech savvy. Unless they have friends who give them insights on the value of mobile technologies, they aren’t really aware of the capabilities of laptops.

  2. Andrew F
    December 5th, 2006

    Thanks for stopping by and commenting!

    I couldn’t agree with you more about lawyers. We’re usually a bright bunch, but not generally tech savvy. Fortunately, I did programming to get through undergrad, so I have a unique perspective that will hopefully help me be less dense in the tech arena.

    Take care,

  3. gaming mouse
    August 8th, 2009

    Maybe its because lawyers have to spend so much time reading over all sorts of law, that they just don’t have the spare time to become properly tech savvy? Nothing wrong with it, of course. And I suppose that could be an incorrect statement, now that I think of it, since I have a lawyer friend who is decently knowledgeable about tech stuff (supposedly he’s a pretty good lawyer, too). Who knows!

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