Advice for Small Business (or Law Firm) Owners

Today I happened to run across two interesting articles with helpful information regarding small businesses (or small law firms). I probably would not post them individually, but seeing them both within 5 minutes of each other has inspired. Maybe someone is speaking to me that I should open my own firm…

First, check out the 5 things you should not buy when starting a small business. Courtesy of the Instigator Blog, this simple list provides a few quick tips that should help save overhead when getting your business off the ground. Ok, it’s not directly related to productivity, but saving money is always good. (Thanks to What About Clients? for pointing me to the article.)

Second, New York Small Business Law has a terrific post with some pointers on do-it-yourself legal help for small business owners. As the author points out:

I am all for do-it-yourself legal books and websites. Not because I think that you should actually be your own lawyer, but because I think that an educated client is a good client.

I could not agree more. On one hand, it’s easier to sell to people who have no clue what they are buying. But, on the other hand, you want your client to know your value, so he is willing to pay the bill.

[tags]legal andrew, small business, law firm[/tags]

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2 Responses to “Advice for Small Business (or Law Firm) Owners”

  1. Ben Yoskovitz
    October 15th, 2006

    Andrew – thanks for the link. I’m glad you liked my post and felt it worthwhile to share with your community of readers.

    I really like the niche-ness of your blog. Hope to see you around Instigator Blog soon!

  2. Andrew F
    October 16th, 2006


    Thanks for stopping by and commenting. I think your post was great, especially for anyone considering starting a solo or small law firm. I will definitely be around Instigator Blog in the future. I love that blogging constantly introduces me to new resources and ideas.

    Take care,

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