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Legal Blogs: One for All by 2010?

There is an interesting article over at Kevin's LexBlog about lawyers being slow to get onto the blogging bandwagon. I find the author's prediction about the future quite intriguing:

Same thing happened with law firms and websites in the mid to late '90's. Most firms saw no reason to have a website. By 2000, they all had firm websites. With blogs, it will not be all lawyers, but by 2010 the majority of lawyers will be publishing blogs. Those who begin now will be way ahead of the game in enhancing their reputation and growing their practice.

While I was not really tracking the legal web in the mid '90's, I am very inclined to agree with this statement. It takes a while for "old school" kind-of people to see the benefit and value of new technology and climb on board. Heck, I have done web programming for 6 years, and this is my first ever blog. Even I was skeptical of the value it could add to my career.

However, I began to think that maybe I would be able to establish myself in a niche and garner some respect among the blawgosphere (I like that word 🙂 ). The principle is that earlier adopters will be more credible in the future and hopefully we will have a leg up on those who are dragging their feet right now.

And even if blogging doesn't help my career in this sense, it does other great things for me in the mean time. Of course, right now it is seriously distracting me from my exams.

[tags]legal andrew, law firm, blog[/tags]

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4 Responses to “Legal Blogs: One for All by 2010?”

  1. Scott
    February 15th, 2007

    Great article and thoughts on the internet and blogging. I think it is very important these days that you not just confine yourself to the office…you have a whole world of possibility out there and the internet is the only way to reach that audience.


  2. Andrew Flusche
    February 15th, 2007


    Your comment summarizes the situation well: we can’t just confine ourselves to the office. This is precisely why blogging and social networking efforts are so crucial these days.

    Thanks for commenting,

  3. Scott
    February 15th, 2007

    I really feel that lawyers can use blogging to a great advantage these days. I also feel like the law students, as I am myself, can use bloggin to their advantage. First, the repitition of putting your thoughts down on paper is crucial to becoming a quick and coherent thinker as a lawyer. Secondly, being able to read others comments and respond is a good way to stimulate critical thinking.


  4. Andrew Flusche
    February 15th, 2007

    Right again! I think writing is one of the big keys to being a successful lawyer. Blogging helps us refine our writing and always think about the target audience. It’s great to get daily practice in such an important activity.

    Take care,

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