Save Writing Time with Footnote Hotkey

For those Microsoft Word users out there, first let me say, I’m sorry. But, I am in the same boat as you. However, maybe my little tip today will help make your end-of-term papers just a little bit quicker to get through.

As anyone in the legal field (be it school or practice) knows, legal writing entails fun footnotes. I suppose that applies more to school, since law review format calls for footnotes. So when you are typing along on your research paper or note, why take all that time to click Insert, Reference, Footnote? Word provides a handy little hotkey that will insert a footnote wherever your cursor sits, then automatically put the cursor in the footnote, ready for your citation. Simply press CTRL+ALT+F, and voila! Instant footnote!

For a comprehensive list of Word keyboard shortcuts, go here [Microsoft Office Assistance]. If you do not know many hotkeys, you should seriously start learning them. They are huge time savers.

Ok, that is enough of a distraction for me today. I better get back to my research paper. It will be done eventually.

[tags]legal andrew, microsoft word, word, footnote hotkey, footnote, hotkey[/tags]

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4 Responses to “Save Writing Time with Footnote Hotkey”

  1. Petrus von Tempsky
    September 14th, 2007

    Hi Legal Andrew,

    I tried your instructions and got rectangles and no footnote insertion.

    I used Word Assistant following your advice and found that it was ‘command + Option + F ‘and that worked.
    Control and Command being two different keys.
    NB This was on a networked Mac Keyboard. Your hot keys may work on a PC ?
    No it is great and as a class rep I passed on the info.
    I would have been lost however without my legal Andrew, because Word Help itself did not come up with a hot key for this but the assistant did ( :

  2. Andrew Flusche
    September 15th, 2007

    Hi Petrus,

    Thanks for dropping a comment about the Mac hotkey. I only have a PC, and the keys are obviously different.


  3. me
    November 13th, 2007

    In undergrad I learned that I could accomplish the same thing by hitting (in succession, not in combination)

    Alt, i, n, n, Enter

    This (apparently) also works in word knock-offs like AbiWord, OpenOffice and this weird java-based knockoff I found once.

  4. Barry
    May 2nd, 2009

    THANK YOU!!!!!!

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