Twitter Provides Stream of Consciousness “Blogging”

Many people (who aren’t bloggers) see blogging as a stream of consciousness, personal journal type of communication. In fact, many bloggers write merely to journal their thoughts, keep up with friends, and similar reasons.

However, there are a myriad of other reasons to blog, particularly for business and to earn money. Mainstream society is finally realizing that blogs are reputable and effective means of marketing and conducting online business. The focus of blogs has thus changed.

Where does Twitter fit into this? In my opinion, it’s filling the stream of consciousness blogging niche. As The Blog Herald explains, bloggers are using Twitter to fire off short bits about their daily lives. Twitter lowers the effort required for blogging, and it also decreases the content of each blog “post” (or tweet, in this case).

I’ve registered with Twitter (my tweets), but I haven’t used it much. Primarily, I can’t get Miranda IM to work with it. Maybe I’m a putz, but it’s giving me lots of trouble. I don’t have a cell phone, so IM or web is my only option. It’s definitely a bummer that IM doesn’t work for me.

Second, I don’t see the value of tweeting. If I have something valuable to say, I try to make a blog post out of it. If it’s not blog-worthy, it must not be valuable to others.

What do you think? These are just my thoughts on Twitter and blogging. I’d love to hear yours. Do you tweet?

[tags]twitter, tweet, miranda im[/tags]

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6 Responses to “Twitter Provides Stream of Consciousness “Blogging””

  1. Editor at
    March 18th, 2007

    Good observations. It will be interesting to see how Twitter is accepted. Here is a post discussing how Twitter could be of value to law students:

    You mentioned problems with using Miranda IM on Twitter. You may also be interested in trying to provide for your instant messaging (IM) needs rather than Miranda IM. Meebo does IM directly from your web browser, using your existing account and its contacts on a number of popular IM services (AIM, Yahoo, Google Talk, and MSN).

    Thanks for the great posts. I’ve learned a lot from your blog.

  2. Andrew Flusche
    March 18th, 2007

    I appreciate your thoughts on Twitter. I read your post on using it for law students. You’ve got some good ideas there. I definitely haven’t abandoned the service; I’m just letting it simmer a little while. 🙂

    As for Meebo, I’ve tried that out. It worked pretty well, and was darn impressive. Honestly, I can’t remember why I abandoned it for Miranda. I think it bothered me having IM open in my browser all the time. I might give it another go.

    Thanks for your thoughts,

  3. Brett
    March 19th, 2007

    Not sure what OS you use, but there are a couple nifty solutions out there that don’t require using the website to get (and send) tweet updates:

    Twitteriffic (for Mac)
    Twitteroo (for Windows)

    As I use both platforms, I also use both apps – I find the former to be much slicker and have less of a problem dealing with twitter’s frequent outages.

    Incidentally, i’m ‘inkedmn’ on twitter – follow me 🙂

  4. Andrew Flusche
    March 21st, 2007


    Thanks for the links. I’m on Windows (Vista now!), so I’ve checked out Twitteroo. It didn’t seem to work well for me either. Maybe I’m just not savvy enough.

    The solution I’ve settled on for now is this: Setup Twitter in IMified, use this to set my own status, send direct messages, etc. Check my Twitter page online occasionally to see what you fellas are doing. Hopefully the Head Tweeters will get their IM system up again, and I’ll just use it full time.

    By the way, your comment got caught in the moderation queue. Sorry about that. I guess I should check that daily from now on. Perhaps the 3 links set off Akismet’s sensors.

    Take care,

  5. Ways Twitter Can Improve Law School Life…

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