Discussing RSS With Clients – Read Short Stories

Do your clients read blogs? Do they understand what RSS can do for them? Heck, do you use an RSS reader?

Here’s my attempt to help you explain RSS to clients. I even made a nifty graphic!

Read short stories

No, that’s not what RSS officially stands for. However, it will work for this simple explanation. When you want to read the web, don’t scour websites one at a time. Use RSS. You can Read Short Stories in no time by using this cool technology.

Save time

That is the huge benefit of RSS. In the days of old, you had to type in each web address you wanted to read. You never knew if your favorite page was updated. You couldn’t automatically keep track of things important to you.

RSS changes that. You can know when your favorite pages update and read the latest material, by simply opening your RSS reader.

Aggregate content

Yep, your RSS reader is a program or service you will use to “aggregate” content from the internet. This means that your favorite news sources, weather sites, blogs, websites, etc are all sent to one, happy, organized place. Now for the nifty graphic:

Read Short Stories

As you see, the key to RSS is really your RSS reader.

RSS readers

My reader of choice is Google Reader. There are quite a few others, which you can easily find by searching “rss reader” on any major search engine.

The benefit to Google Reader (and a few others) is that everything is kept online. Thus, you can access your RSS sources (known as “feeds”) from anywhere with an internet connection. Google Reader also allows good organization of your feeds with labels, as well as sharing your feeds with friends.

Learn more!

There are tons of uses for RSS. Simply look around the web for the little RSS icon (Feed Icon - 12). You’ll see many sites that offer content via RSS. Why not stay updated?

As always, if you have any thoughts or comments on this article, please leave a comment or drop me a line. I treasure your feedback.

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3 Responses to “Discussing RSS With Clients – Read Short Stories”

  1. Kian Ann
    January 6th, 2007

    Andrew! Wonderful post. I really wish every email client can incorporate RSS feeds! Its sometimes tough to get people to switch their behaviour and incorporate RSS into their lifestyle. 🙂 Well then, maybe that is why they have email to RSS services. 😀