The Networking Carnival – Fourth Edition – Help for Newbies


Are you ready for some whirly fun at the carnival? The response for this month’s networking carnival was great! Here’s what Thom posted, that I asked people to respond to:

A new year has begun. Instead of doing the typical New Year’s resolution, let’s focus on something a bit different. Let’s help out the people who are new to networking. Provide your best tip to help networking newbies start the year right.

So without further ado, here comes the networking carnival’s parade!

The first float we see is Stephanie West Allen, sporting a cool display that is all about learning to CLICK with people.

Next, we see the float from Emmanuel Oluwatosin, where he encourages us to build our networks early. If you don’t, you’ll find yourself behind at crunch time.

Coming around the bend is Anastasia Pryanikova’s float. And what is she doing? She’s mentoring people on how to find a mentor.

If you can still contain your excitement, you can see Ben Yoskovitz and his take on newbie networking. He’s got rocks all over his float. He was living under them, but now he’s moving them. He’ll teach you how to find big success.

For those lawyer folk out there, Law Student has a spiffy float that is covered in great tips to help law students and new attorneys network.

Wait! Law students have another float made just for them! Brett is leveraging clubs, groups, and social functions to make networking connections. This is another great guide for law students.

Now comes a float that says JibberJobber all over it. Yep, it’s from Jason Alba, and he gets at the heart of what networking really is.

And look who’s bringing up the rear… No, it’s not Santa Claus. It’s everyone’s favorite networking guru, Thom Singer! His float provides some great advice for the new networkers out there, explaining what networking IS and what it is NOT.

Finally, the following posts were also submitted. However, I think they’re really off-topic. Thus, I’m linking to them, but not writing anything about them.

Thank you to everyone who submitted a post to this edition of the carnival. I hope you enjoyed seeing the carnival parade and that you go read everybody’s posts and help each other learn! I welcome feedback on any and everything I write, especially my first carnival to host. Please post a comment or drop me a line.

If you are interested in hosting the February networking carnival, please contact Thom Singer (

The cool picture at the top is from Flickr user Jael

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4 Responses to “The Networking Carnival – Fourth Edition – Help for Newbies”

  1. Thom Singer
    January 4th, 2007


    thanks for hosting the January edition of the Networking Carnival. What a great job you did here! Amazingly useful articles.

    Happy New Year.


  2. Andrew Flusche
    January 4th, 2007


    I’m glad you liked the carnival. Thanks for choosing me to host. I’m glad to have had the opportunity.
